

Boh fall 2024 1 cover
Fall 2024 | Issue 33

Maybe you are just starting to save, or perhaps you’ve already built up a small nest egg for
your business. Keep your eye on the prize! Once you’ve got an emergency fund socked away, what comes next? There are a million ways to invest in your firm, and finding the right one depends on your needs, resources and ambitions. To help you make your next money move, we asked 27 designers what they spent on that truly moved the needle.

Stephanie Calderon knew her firm wasn’t reaching its full potential, but wasn’t sure how to get there until she tapped a skilled strategic advisor to revamp her systems.
BY Hannah Hickok
After seeing positive results from a sales coaching program, Jamie Gasparovic set her sights on mastering the skill of selling. She deems the return on investment “endless.”
BY Hannah Hickok
In search of a guiding figure to support and enhance his career development, Aamir Khandwala turned to a business coach who helps him access a powerful flow state.
BY Hannah Hickok
It took some trial and error for Susie Novak to get her PR footing. Once she found the right firm, it became integral to her firm’s strategy for success.
BY Hannah Hickok
Sheldon Harte knew that hiring a publicist would be more of a marathon than a sprint. His PR partnership is still going strong decades later.
BY Hannah Hickok
After reaching an impasse with his own DIY PR efforts, Brad Ramsey happened upon the agency that has proven instrumental to refining his firm’s image.
BY Hannah Hickok
After working happily out of a well-appointed home office for more than a decade, Nicole White discovered the benefits of building a healthy separation between work and life.
BY Fred Nicolaus
When storage and moving fees became an insurmountable hurdle for her clients, Nicole Roe went out and got her own warehouse space—a big commitment with an even bigger upside.
BY Fred Nicolaus
For Park & Oak co-founders Renee DiSanto and Christina Samatas, an office search and a distant dream of turning their design brand into a lifestyle company snowballed into a surprising endeavor: a cocktail lounge.
BY Fred Nicolaus
In order to artfully convey her firm’s identity, Beth Diana Smith purchased business templates that streamlined her systems and elevated her brand.
BY Hannah Hickok
Aware that systems can set a business up for success from day one, Swati Goorha wasted no time investing in the right software to lighten her load.
BY Hannah Hickok
After hiring an accountant to help her manage her firm’s finances, Theresa Butler felt the burden of managing the firm’s finances lifted, and embraced a fresh perspective on product purchases and cash flow.
BY Hannah Hickok
Isabella Patrick put plenty of work into developing her website—but when it came to visitors, it was practically a ghost town. By hiring a web designer, she put her firm back on the digital map.
BY Caroline Bourque
For Pamela Brown Forman, offering a unique blend of design services was always essential, but communicating that mix to potential clients presented a unique challenge. After working with a branding consultant, the message became clearer—and her firm enjoyed a fresh look befitting a new phase of growth.
BY Caroline Bourque
Five years ago, Kristen Forgione realized how important video was becoming for designers online—and that her iPhone footage wasn’t quite cutting it. Teaming up with a videographer has brought her firm’s work to life like never before.
BY Caroline Bourque
You get what you pay for—no one knows that better than designers. It’s a slice of wisdom that applies as much to business development as to furniture: Trying to better your firm on the cheap is rarely a good idea. However, there are plenty of smart investments that won’t break the bank.
BY Fred Nicolaus
Design Dispatch
A century after the movement emerged, surrealist designs are resurfacing in an array of sophisticated ways for today’s interiors.
Radnor founder Susan Clark is on a mission to preserve centuries-old handicraft techniques.
Choosing calming colors and comfortable furniture helps, but how do you truly design a space to soothe the soul? From neuroaesthetics and nature to a “blitzing” period, designer Lisa Staprans shares her secrets.
Keyanna Bowen took a one-year social media hiatus to rediscover the joys of living in the present. In the process, the interior designer and photographer gained a newfound appreciation for building her business on her own terms—she was offline, but decidedly in control. Here, she explains how you can do it too.
When reimagining his home’s living and dining rooms, the renowned designer turned a spare, voluminous space into distinct zones that feel intimate and inviting.
Two designers duke it out over process: Should you showcase your vision for a project in one sweeping presentation, or build it with approvals as you go?
The Handbook
Just as a design job can range from a simple paint refresh to a full-home renovation, specifying custom furniture can be a choose-your-own-adventure, from selecting your own fabric for an existing frame to sending CAD drawings to a furniture maker. Here’s how to navigate the design and production process—and end up with a personalized piece your clients will cherish for decades to come.

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