

Boh summer 2024 1 cover
Summer 2024 | Issue 32

We often talk about improving your firm as a matter of practical tasks, like handing off procurement or finding a way to streamline client onboarding. But the most powerful shift is the one that comes from a deeper place—your firm won’t really change until you change your thinking. What does it take to get your head in the game? We asked 10 designers to tell us about a breakthrough that transformed their firm for the better.

A long walk with a mentor prompted Tommy Zung to stop trying to educate his clients and focus instead on telling them what they need to know.
BY Fred Nicolaus
A powerful quote about entrepreneurship inspired Linette Dai to turn her focus from managing project minutiae to growing her business and nurturing her employees.
BY Fred Nicolaus
An exciting project offered Kate Turk an incredible opportunity—but taking it meant turning down all other work for more than two years. Here’s what happened when she put all of her eggs in one basket.
BY Fred Nicolaus
When Erin Shakoor realized self-care was intrinsic to her success, she adopted a formula for periodic personal reboots.
BY Hannah Hickok
When Tiffany Skilling saw that people-pleasing was bad for business, she made a U-turn, sharpening her project filter and shoring up her boundaries.
BY Hannah Hickok
After realizing that her type A tendencies were costing her, Christina Kim stopped waiting for perfection.
BY Hannah Hickok
In the process of identifying her firm’s core values, Laura Hodges decided to take a new approach to addressing client issues. When it worked, she used the same strategy with her own team.
BY Haley Chouinard
For Matthew Carter, a careful edit of what he shares with clients (and how) is a shortcut to avoiding project slowdowns and setbacks.
BY Kaitlin Petersen
As she approached her fifth year in business for herself, Thiara Borges Dananberg hit pause to reevaluate her firm’s internal processes and project pipeline. In both cases, she realized that it was time to streamline.
BY Haley Chouinard
Presentations used to leave Marcus Mohon feeling “like a used car salesman.” Then, a conversation with a client helped him embrace the cost of great design.
BY Kaitlin Petersen
Design Dispatch
designers debate
What’s the best way to design a room? Iconic designers Timothy Corrigan and Suzanne Kasler face off on where the rug belongs in the sourcing process.
meet the makers
For former NFL player Michael Bennett, designing furniture is a way to pay homage to Black history.
big ideas
Dina Bandman Goldstone decided to implement a design stipend to help expand her team members’ horizons and inspire them to contribute to the firm in new ways. Here, she explains how you can do it too.
on the beat
Colored glass is being reimagined for the modern age in a medley of design-savvy ways.
The Handbook
Is your project ready for its close-up? Here’s everything you need to know before your next photo shoot, including who to hire, how much to spend, what to expect, and so much more.

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