October 15, 2024
Love wood floors? There’s more to the sourcing process than just purchasing a beautiful, natural hardwood. Here’s how to specify materials that will stand the test of time without harming the planet.
October 1, 2024
Clients might like the idea of minimizing their climate impact, but often have different ideas about what that looks like. Eco-oriented designers share their successful strategies for communicating about green design.
August 20, 2024
A rug is the visual foundation of a room, but it can also be the building block of a healthy home. Here’s how to source an eco-friendly rug and ensure a soft landing for your clients.
June 26, 2024
The last few years have brought a ton of attention and government regulation to forever chemicals, which are particularly prevalent in textiles and upholstery. But what does the increased scrutiny really mean for the home sector?
June 11, 2024
Many homeowners are willing to pay top dollar to sleep on a mattress that’s clean and green. Here’s what to keep in mind when sourcing a healthy, sustainable mattress for your clients.
May 28, 2024
Armed with a business degree and a sustainable materials certification, Amanda Beare launched Retroloop with the goal of producing eco-friendly furnishings for the rising generation.
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