magazine | Aug 11, 2022 |
Why this designer stopped hemming and hawing over billable hours

Eschewing hourly rates or flat fees, New York designer Alvin Wayne simply charges a percentage of the total project budget for his design work. It’s a move that eliminates complications—and ensures that he’s in control of where to save and splurge.

Why this designer stopped hemming and hawing over billable hours
Alvin WayneCourtesy of designer

When do you feel like you started charging what you’re worth?
It took time. When I first started, I charged $150 for a consultation. As I got more experience, I began feeling like I wasn’t getting paid enough for all the work I was doing. I started going up with my price—at one point, I was raising my rate with every phone call. I was naming ever-higher rates to see if people would pay it. And they would pay it! Now I know that I had to set the bar higher to get the clientele that I want. I’m at the point where my fees help me weed out the projects I don’t want.

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