weekly feature
weekly feature
July 17, 2024
Teaming up with food and fashion experts who have their own loyal followings allows home brands to expand their reach and cross-pollinate among consumer audiences with different lifestyle interests. Are the industry’s latest partnerships a sign of more collaborations to come?
weekly feature
July 10, 2024
The right lighting scheme has the power to enhance everything in a room. BOH spoke with industry players to learn why hiring a lighting professional can transform a space beyond the abilities of even the most skilled interior designers.
weekly feature
June 26, 2024
While nailing intergenerational client relationships takes finesse, doing so successfully can pay off in spades. Janet Mercel asks designers who’ve cultivated such clientele to share their secrets.
weekly feature
June 12, 2024
When Tom Dixon noticed knockoffs of his iconic Beat light flooding the market, he decided to introduce his own lower-cost version as competition. Should other designers follow suit?
weekly feature
June 5, 2024
A few years after peaking around the pandemic, many design e-commerce retailers are closing or shrinking. What’s driving the post-boom bust, and will it last?
weekly feature
May 29, 2024
A growing cadre of design personalities are leaving traditional platforms in favor of Substack, where they can turn a profit and reach their audience directly. Is this the next frontier of design content? Fred Nicolaus reports.
weekly feature
May 22, 2024
After spending the last few years embracing the digital realm, the design community is exploring new ways of connecting in person—and a recent slate of successful events may prove that pop-ups are the industry’s sweet spot.
weekly feature
May 8, 2024
The post-recession, post-pandemic digital age has created fertile ground for a growing class of independent American woodworkers to sell to a wide swath of furniture shoppers. What’s driving the phenomenon, and how big can it get?
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