digital disruptors | Jun 15, 2019 |
Will consumers want to subscribe to furniture instead of buying? These rental firms say yes

We live in a world where if you want something, you can rent it, often at the click of a button. A house, a car, a dress, a movie—why not furniture?

New furniture subscription services are addressing a shift in the way consumers think about ownership and commitment.

The same group that doesn’t want to own homes or stay in the same city or job for too long also wants the freedom to pick up and move on a whim, without a sofa tethering them to a single location. These services are also making the home industry more sustainable by adopting the rules of circular economy: When you’re done using a product, it’s refurbished or sold to be reused, rather than discarded. Here are the brand names to know

Some 9.7 million tons of furniture end up in landfills every year. Jay Reno founded Feather in 2017 in part to address the problem of fast furniture: Instead of buying cheap pieces that you’ll throw away when you move to a new apartment, which 50 percent of renters do every year, why not rent high-quality pieces that can be reused when you’re done?

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