magazine | Feb 19, 2025 |
How designers are finding new ways to ease cognitive decline for aging clients

A growing number of designers are developing new ways to accommodate—and anticipate—memory care needs in residential spaces. Here’s everything you need to know.

The concept of a forever home has a tight grip on the collective imagination. After years of renting, roving and making do, it offers the promise of something permanent. With time, however, needs and living habits inevitably begin to shift. When that happens, is the forever home really forever?

In the coming years, the makeup of the U.S. population is going to change dramatically. As soon as 2030, social scientists predict that one in five Americans will be 65 and over, a figure that will only continue to increase in the decades to come. While some will spend their golden years in retirement communities or assisted living facilities, others are choosing to modify their homes to suit their needs in the next phase of life. For designers, this growing “aging in place” movement presents a unique opportunity: a chance to use their skills to offer peace of mind to those who are planning ahead.

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