magazine | Feb 12, 2020 |
How Christopher Peacock rescued his brand—after he’d already sold it

Christopher Peacock, founder of his eponymous Norwalk, Connecticut–based cabinetry brand, had the good fortune to sell his company to British furniture maker Smallbone at the top of the market in September 2008—and the ill fortune to get caught up in the new owner’s subsequent bankruptcy just months later. Here’s how he brought his company back from the brink (and then some).

After Smallbone closed, I began negotiating with the banks to reacquire the business, which I felt was rightfully mine. The banks had little interest in helping me, so it took several months before I got any traction. I was committed to reopening the company I had spent 16 years building, but in truth I had no idea if I could. I felt so frustrated that we had achieved so much but couldn’t finish the job. That’s what drove me to restart.

How Christopher Peacock rescued his brand—after he’d already sold it
Christopher PeacockCourtesy of Christopher Peacock

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