Put on your party hat and grab your calendar—it’s the 1oth anniversary of Legends! The annual fair in Los Angeles’s La Cienega Design Quarter (LCDQ) has released the lineup for its celebrated three-day event. The kickoff is May 8. The theme? “Today’s Vision, Tomorrow’s Home.” Here’s just a taste of what’s on offer at Legends X.

Never Before Seen
The big birthday is the perfect time to introduce a selection of first-time events and partnerships. Among them: a Home Tour, which will be held on Friday, May 11, and the show’s first-ever CEU course with Gen Sohr of Pencil & Paper Development Co. (spoiler alert: it’s on buying art!).
A Great Cause
The Color My World charity event, which last year raised about $28,000 for Habitat for Humanity Greater Los Angeles, will unfold this year at Dragonette. Designers and artists will donate sketches to be auctioned off to benefit ACRIA, an organization for HIV/AIDS research, education and prevention.

Window Shopping
Shawn Henderson, Suzanne Kasler, Tom Stringer and Paloma Contreras are already confirmed participants in everyone’s fair favorite: the transformation of almost 50 LCDQ shop and showroom windows—Hollywood at Home, Woven, Serena & Lily, Remains Lighting, and Arteriors are just a few.
Boldface Names
The editorial world’s top talent join forces with designers to host educational (and inspirational) seminars. Look out for designers Jamie Drake, Ellie Cullman, Michael S. Smith, Celerie Kemble and Charlotte Moss taking their place alongside Whitney Robinson of Elle Decor, Sophie Donelson of House Beautiful, Margaret Russell of Galerie, Pamela Jaccarino of Luxe Interiors + Design and others.

Among the hot topics: “All in the Family: Two generations of designers discuss their similarities and differences,” “Inside the Crystal Ball: Design visionaries share predictions on the future of design,” “Generation Z: The be-all and end-all of today’s youngest design talents,” “Moving On Up: What needs to go as we move on into the future?,” “Then Is Now: Utilizing objects from the past to create unforgettable interiors,” and “Made by Hand: The respect for old-world crafts in modern-day homes.”
Bookworms, Unite!
A bevy of design tome authors from near and far descends on L.A. for the festivities, among them: Emily Evans Eerdmans (author of Henri Samuel: Master of the French Interior, which has a foreword by Jacques Grange); Martina Mondadori Sartogo (The Interiors and Architecture of Renzo Mongiardino: A Painterly Vision); Ellie Cullman (From Classic to Contemporary: Decorating with Cullman & Kravis); Cathy Graham (Second Bloom: Cathy Graham's Art of the Table) and Thomas Jayne (Classical Principles for Modern Design: Lessons From Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman's The Decoration of Houses). Pick up books from these and other authors, including Charlotte Moss, Richard Keith Langham, Ray Booth, Tim Street-Porter and Gil Schafer.