The High Point Market Authority is currently seeking submissions for its 2019 team of Style Spotters. The group of eight “home fashion leaders” will be tasked with spotting and sharing top trends from spring and fall Market. Each team is selected from the industry’s top designers and influencers; the 2019 team will be chosen in August and announced at the Style Spotters LIVE! breakfast at Market. Are you up to the task?

What is HPMA looking for? Ashley Grigg, the organization’s director of marketing and communications, gives EAL her rundown: “We’re looking for a diverse group of influencers that can authentically capture the hot trends that surface every April and October. High Point Market is where ‘the next thing’ in home fashion emerges, and we’re looking for a team with a high level of industry expertise who can easily identify what’s up-and-coming.”
She continues, “We know that High Point is so large it’s difficult to cover completely each trip, so that’s why we have a team of eight industry insiders doing just that and sharing their findings with everyone for the upcoming seasons!”
New Style Spotters will join a robust alum contingent that includes the likes of Michel Smith Boyd, Mary Douglas Drysdale, Stacy Garcia, Bria Hammel, Jeffrey Johnson, Justine Macfee, Holly Hollingsworth Phillips and Sarah Walker, who served this past year. Prior years included Tami Ramsay and Krista Nye Nicholas, Ron Woodson and Jaime Rummerfield, Arianne Bellizaire, Kati Curtis, Beth Dotolo and more.
Interested? Apply HERE by July 25 at 5 p.m. EST.