magazine | Jan 17, 2025 |
The rising star rug designer making waves in the trade

At Retorra, dexterously made designs combine time-honored craft techniques with forward-thinking technology.

Ryan Reitmeyer takes a cerebral approach to design. With each rug pattern he creates, the founder of Retorra, who makes prototypes on a dobby loom at home in Pennsylvania in between trips to meet with his production partners in Nepal, finds inspiration at the intersection of tradition and innovation. “We have to look to the past, but not repeat it, in order to move forward,” he says.

A self-proclaimed hoarder of antique rugs and textiles (the company name is a loose translation of the Latin word for “yarn”), Reitmeyer scours online auctions and international flea markets for interesting pieces to use as inspiration for his designs. The quilt-like Game Theory, for instance, pays homage to vintage Americana coverlets, while the woodland-themed Arles evokes an ancient verdure tapestry. “We try to make carpets that are as close to historical precedents as possible without actually copying them,” he explains. “I love exploring the interplay between traditional and modern.”

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