Sourcing Strain“Currently, we have a client who feels she needs to see everything. I mean everything. We bring her several fabric and furniture options within her price range and she continually asks to see more, while stating she loves every- thing. By being patient and explaining our process, we finally earned hertrust. Now she accepts that what we have brought her was narrowed down from hours of sourcing to find the best options. This client needed to know we were listening to her needs instead of just pushing our own agenda. There is a fine line between hearing what the client wants and actually designing what we feel works. Our patience paid off in this case, as the client is placing orders for her entire 8,000-square-foot home.” —Kim Scodro, Kim Scodro Interiors

All Sized Up“We had a client who worried her rooms were too small and that our proposed furniture plans were not going to fit in the spaces. She questioned all of our dimensions and wanted every piece of furniture to be smaller than the next.To set her mind at ease, we made scaled drawings, paper templates and actual mock-ups of the furniture onsite. We continued to pull out the furniture mock-ups until the installation. When the furniture was finally installed, our client was thrilled to see everything looking great, and finally understood and appreciated our vision and expertise.” —Liliane Hart, Liliane Hart Interiors

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