The installation phase of a project is one of the most exciting for both client and designer, but is it better to showcase the finished product on a room-by-room basis, or go for that major reveal moment at the end? We asked five designers—Courtney McLeod, Lacy Hughes, Shaolin Low, Maria Viola-Kuttruff, and Jade McNeil–to share their preferred method.

“When possible, I prefer to install the full project at one time with a big reveal for my clients. This allows them to explore the full vision of their newly designed home and how their story flows from room to room.” —Courtney McLeod, Right Meets Left Interior Design, New York, New York

“Ideally, we prefer a big reveal since it makes the biggest impact and ‘wow’ moment for our clients. However, with shipping delays still happening, we’ve been doing two or three installation phases with a lot of projects. We are grateful that our clients have been extremely understanding and patient with the recent delays. At the same time, we realize they are anxious to move into their new spaces, so we do everything within our power to get them in as soon as possible.” —Jade McNeil, Jade McNeil Interiors, New York, New York

“I prefer the room-by-room approach, as it allows the client to focus on one area rather than the enormity of the entire project. In turn, it keeps them truly excited to see what happens next. I’ve found that as the client sees a room or space transform it gets them thinking about the next project they’d like to tackle. Our firm has some wonderful clients that continue to work like this, space by space, piece by piece, and it’s built valued long-term relationships.” —Lacy Hughes, Julian Design, Wayzata, Minnesota

“I think we all love the idea of the big reveal moment, but the reality is that if the client is living in the home, you want to set them up as quickly as possible. With COVID and all of the supply chain issues, we end up doing a bunch of little installs room by room. Initially, I thought that this method would be disappointing, but it turned out to be advantageous. Not only do we get to celebrate each room with the client, but we also spot all of the little details that sometimes get missed or glossed over when you’re doing a big reveal.” —Shaolin Low, Studio Shaolin, Honolulu, Hawaii

“I prefer a big reveal at the end of a project versus a piecemeal approach. The main reason for this, besides the excitement of a grand reveal, is showing clients the entirety of the project does a much better job at communicating the overall design vision we discussed at the beginning. They are able to take in the project as a whole and connect the dots together clearly. Unfortunately, during these uncertain times we are still in, we do not always have the luxury of the grand reveal. Given the many delays we see from supply chain issues and items severely back-ordered, clients can get impatient (rightfully so) and eager to get into their new homes. In situations like these, we try our best to get the bigger pieces of furniture in, like the larger sectionals or beds, so they can access key rooms and live in the space while other work is ongoing. By no means is this ideal, but flexibility is critical and we all do whatever we can to make our clients happy while keeping the project on track.” —Maria Viola-Kuttruff, Viola Interior Design, Ardmore, Philadelphia
Homepage photo: A bedroom designed by Lacy Hughes | Regan Elizabeth Photography