Showroom & Sales Manager
Company: Kaia Editions LLC
Duration: Full-time
Date Posted: 09/04/24
Category: Sales & Marketing
Location: New York
Salary: 50-100k
Job Description

We are looking for a committed, open-minded employee, with a certain affinity for design and
who enjoys challenging tasks.
Your tasks and job description:
● You focus on client needs, showroom sales and follow ups
● Issuing quotations, Order Confirmations and answering sales enquiries
● You balance ever-changing taks, deadlines and goals
● You build a clientele and sales through your skills and talent
● You work with interior designers, architects and lighting designers and contractors
● You follow through with marketing materials, newsletters, e-mails and invitations

Job Requirements

Job requirements :
● You already have 5+ years of professional experience, ideally in the design or even
lighting industry or simply a commercial background in internal sales and/or field
sales / order processing / customer service.
● You have a dynamic personality with an open-minded, communicative nature.
● You can think cross-functionally and bring along a lot of initiative.
● Excellent written and verbal communication skills
● Exceptional organizational, analytical and decision making skills.
With us you will get :
● a varied job with a high degree of personal responsibility in a constantly growing
● creative, motivated colleagues in a small, international team.
● design projects with room for development.
● openness for new ideas.
We look forward to receiving your application with cover letter, CV and references in PDF format
by email to job@kaialighting.com.
We look forward to hearing from you, first interviews will take place via Video conference.

About our Company

KAIA Lighting is an international studio in the field of lighting design, manufacturing and
distribution. Our head office is in London, our atelier is near Munich, Germany. Our lighting
objects are unique pieces that combine art, technology and craftsmanship with the vision of
reducing objects to their essentials. Our lighting objects have their own language and combine
functional aesthetics, simplicity, timelessness, purity and elegance. Our customers are
internationally renowned architects and interior designers.



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