Every designer knows what they need to make the most of a site visit, whether it’s a tote full of fabric swatches or a hefty roll of painter’s tape. We asked four designers—Christopher Charles Evans, Corey Damen Jenkins, Amy Kalikow and Ryland Witt—what they always have in their bag.

Sticky Solution
“Goo Gone! There are so many times that I have come to a site to place all the accessories and set the dining table and the labels will not come off! That filmy residue just will not do! Goo Gone is lifesaver.” —Amy Kalikow, Amy Kalikow Design, New York

measure up
“An interior designer should always have a tape measure on them. Have one in your bag, another one at your office, a third tape measure in the glove compartment of your car, etc. Guesstimating without a tape measure, even over the phone, can result in costly consequences.” —Corey Damen Jenkins, Corey Damen Jenkins & Associates, Detroit and New York

“Most of my projects are out of town, so we have an L.L.Bean bag packed with everything we might need for a site visit. Our “Bean Bag” always has at least one tape measure, paint decks, Minwax stain color deck, a small tool bag that has painters tape to mark walls and floors with if we notice something that needs attention, and a large iPad to do presentations with, as well as templates of anything a client may be questioning. For installations, we have a Bean Bag that houses anything and everything we may need: drapery pins, sewing kit, electrical supplies, light bulbs, mounting brackets of all sizes—even a hot glue gun!” —Ryland Witt, Ryland Witt Interior Design, Richmond, VA

Name Check
“The one thing I would say a designer should have on them at all times is their business card. The opportunity to expose your business to potentially new clientele is constant.” —Christopher Charles Evans, Christopher Charles Interiors, Houston