industry insider | Aug 28, 2018 |
These are the design elements employees want in the workplace

Clients’ needs are a top priority in any design project—a consideration that scales to an even greater challenge when designing an office setting with hundreds of employees. Last month, Capital One’s Workplace Solutions team, which develops dynamic, scalable and sustainable office systems and initiatives, released the findings of its 2018 Workplace Environment Survey, offering insight into how design impacts employees’ creativity, innovation and productivity.

Capital One Workplace Environment Survey
A majority of employees believe flexible workplace design leads to better ideas; Courtesy Capital One.

Conducted by Wakefield Research, the survey sampled 3,500 full-time office professionals from across the country—more than half of which were from major-market cities—via online survey.

Capital One Workplace Solutions executive Stefanie Spurlin and millennial workplace expert Lindsey Pollak highlighted the key findings in a special presentation, noting that office design drives productivity and innovation and that “deliberate design” continues to act as a tool for employee attraction and retention.

When it comes to flexible workplace design, a majority of respondents believes it leads to better ideas. Eighty-eight percent of employees rated it as an important aspect of the office—that’s up 3 percent from last year, with millennials upholding the belief highest among all generations. How does the survey define flexible? It begins with having options in their work environments. Eighty percent of those surveyed admit they are more productive when they change locations while working.

Natural light, easily reconfigurable furniture spaces, and artwork and creative imagery were rated the top office design elements that matter to employees. Collaborative spaces, areas for rest and relaxation, and bold colors followed in importance, respectively.

The survey witnessed an increase in employees wanting green programs, specifically in the San Francisco market. Ninety-three percent of San Francisco–based respondents wish their workplaces would invest in more environmentally friendly initiatives, including paper-use reduction, energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy.

Find the Capital One 2018 Workplace Environment Survey here.

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