This year marked the launch of the inaugural John Staub Awards program for designers and craftspeople based in Texas. These awards honor projects that demonstrate excellence and sensitivity to classical and vernacular traditions and have, in turn, contributed to the legacy of John Staub in Texas. All members of the Texas Chapter of the ICAA with practices based in Texas with projects constructed within the last 10 years were eligible.
The Staub Awards Jury which included Gary Brewer, partner in the firm of Robert A.M. Stern Architects; Bill Mitchell, cultural historian and president of the Southern Architecture Foundation, Inc.; and James Strickland, president and founder of Historical Concepts met on September 9 and arrived at the following list of Honor Award recipients.
Residence Over 5,000 square feet – Classical: Knollwood Residence and Gardens – Curtis & Windham Architects.
Residence Over 5,000 square feet – Romantic: A Vermont Farm Residence – Ralph L. Duesing Architect.
Residence Over 5,000 square feet – Texas Vernacular: Harvey Ranch House – Don B. McDonald Architect.
Residence Over 5,000 square feet – Picturesque: Willowick Residence – Curtis & Windham Architects.
Residence Under 5,000 square feet: Bell House – Jay Baker Architects.
Residence Under 5,000 square feet: Courtyard Residence – Colby Design.
Residence Under 5,000 square feet: Criner House – Jay Baker Architects.
Restoration and/or Renovation: Byrd Residence Renovation – Hull Homes.
Restoration and/or Renovation: Byrne-Reed House (Humanities Texas) – Clayton & Little Architect.
Architecture: Hacienda at Escondido – Michael G. Imber, Architect.
Interior Architecture and/or Interior Design: : Beachtown Coastal Living – Michael G. Imber, Architect with Susan B. Bozeman Designs, Inc.
Urban Design: Olmos Park, Texas – Michael G. Imber, Architect
Garden Guilding: Inwood Pool Pavilion – Curtis & Windham Architect
Orangerie – Smith Ekblad and Associates
Craftsmanship: Stations of the Cross Frames – Hull Historical
Craftsmanship: Lyon Home – Hull Historical.