| Nov 17, 2011 |
ASID guide helps designers decipher eco product labels
Boh staff
By Staff

To help consumers and interior designers decipher the certification programs that benchmark ecological sustainability, the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) has published Guide to Ecolabels.

Developed in conjunction with the ASID Sustainable Design Council, the Guide compares key features and qualification standards of the most prevalent ecolabels currently used in the U.S. It is the first step in examining sustainability and the energy/water-efficiency assertions of building materials, interior finishes and furniture, fixtures and equipment. It helps designers navigate the plethora of ecolabels and certifications for building materials and interior finishes, furniture, fixtures, and equipment. Intended to be used as an initial reference when examining sustainability assertions, the guide compares key features of the most prevalent ecolabels currently used in the U.S.

While this Guide is an excellent first step, it is strongly recommended that designers scrutinize any program's standards and criteria in full to determine credibility and pertinence.

Recognizing that programs are revised on a regular basis, the Guide will be updated annually to reflect changes in standards and emergence of new ecolabel programs. Plans are already underway to expand the scope of this guide and incorporate additional sections such as building certifications and individual credentialing.

The ASID Guide to Ecolabels is now available for download.

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