With 2021 winding down, we asked six designers—Rozit Arditi, Imani James, Margie Lavender, Marguerite Rodgers, Ann Ueno and Anne Wagoner—what new business opportunities they’re looking forward to implementing next year.

Making moves
“Early in the first quarter, our Manhattan office will move into our newly renovated space on the 45th floor of an exquisite art deco building overlooking the New York Public Library. We are looking forward to returning to an in-person collaborative environment and restoring some of our social traditions, like gathering for pin-ups and lunch together, weekly happy hours, and our monthly figure drawing sessions that were popular and well-attended before the pandemic shut such gatherings down. We have a full roster of projects all over the country that we are eager to move forward this year, and are thrilled to share ones recently completed in new books in progress.” —Margie Lavender, Ike Kligerman Barkley, New York

Expanding what works
“We have several beautiful projects in the works as well as the formal launch of our virtual consultations, which have been a hit so far. Through virtual consultations, we have been able to help clients all over the country. Our gift line, Shop Anne, has recently expanded with entertaining items and accessories, as we introduced our new creative director, Caroline Zamadics. We’re excited to be debuting additional products in the new year.” —Anne Wagoner, Anne Wagoner Interiors, Raleigh, North Carolina

Hitting the ground running
“In terms of creative opportunities, we are starting two new renovation projects and three decoration projects in January, so we’re ready to start the year full speed. Since I spent most of 2020 and 2021 reviewing and updating our process and procedures, at this stage, we are ready to move forward and keep the projects rolling.” —Rozit Arditi, Arditi Design, New York

Knowing what you need
“I am strategically planning to take on a very intentional approach when hiring staff in 2022. My ultimate goal is to create an environment where all members of the team are thriving in their specific roles while ensuring that we are adapting to the evolving marketplace. For instance, onboarding more project coordinators to complement the work of our junior designers will be a new addition to our team, based on the importance of project management and multiple touch points with clients. By implementing this hiring practice, I want to make certain that I am effectively utilizing the strengths of each team member while elevating the client experience. With the increasing interest in my company over the past year, I am eager to hire individuals whose talents and valuable skills will directly align with our business goals and client needs for the coming year.” —Imani James, Imani James Interiors, Atlanta

Forge new relationships
“We’re planning to expand upon the resources and relationships that we have within our established community of skilled specialists—including stone and tile detailers, metalworkers, woodworkers and other materials and trades who are experienced at producing shop drawings. By working with the people who understand construction methods and the constructability of custom pieces, our team can become more creative and more efficiently convey our designs. We’re also continuing to work towards becoming a paperless office.” —Marguerite Rodgers, Marguerite Rodgers Interior Design, Philadelphia

Seizing the moment
“We are claiming 2022 to be our ‘harvest year,’ as we have spent the good part of 2021 in the prelaunch phase for a couple of really exciting projects. First, I have officially soft-launched a debut pillow collection! This first collection was a creative labor of love, and we will move into full launch after the new year. The next big initiative that is near and dear to my heart has been creating a digital course. This course is for new or aspiring interior designers that want to get a complete training on how to build an interior design brand, from unpacking your why and identifying your ideal client to learning how to create a full brand playbook. I think as interior designer entrepreneurs, now is our time to broaden our business scope and start serving people in new, more innovative ways. The best is ahead!” —Ann Ueno, Ann Ueno Interior Design, Miami
Homepage photo: A town house designed by Ike Kligerman Barkley | Photo by Eric Piasecki