Masthead Madness: Getting Your Work Published in Today’s Ever-Changing Media Landscape
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Instructor Alexandria Abramian, September 6, 2023; 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST. Online
September 6, 2023 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST

From print to digital, Pinterest to TikTok, today’s media continues to change at a breakneck pace. Mastheads are minuscule. Articles are churned out in hours, not days or weeks. And advertising is constantly evolving too. So where does that leave an interior designer who wants to get their work published? 

In an incredibly powerful position. 

In this course, lifestyle media veteran Alexandria Abramian will define the new media landscape and provide an in-depth look at what editors at leading publications want right now. She’ll then share actionable insights and strategies to empower interior designers to get their projects recognized in print and digital media. 

In this class, attendees will learn:
- Why most pitches are doomed to be deleted and what it takes to stand out in an editor’s crowded inbox
- The make-or-break photo and pitch assets to get your work published 
- How to gain both local and national media placements from the same project

After this class, attendees will have:

- An understanding of which of their projects have the most PR value 
- A specific shot list to share with their photographer for upcoming projects 
- A PR action plan for their best projects

Additional Information:

This workshop is conducted through Zoom webinar. All you need to join is reliable internet access and computer speakers with good volume.

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Alexandria Abramian served as the editor in chief for Modern Luxury’s Angeleno magazine before becoming the founding editor of its Interiors publications, which launched in four U.S. cities. She went on to become the founding editor of The Orange County Register’s OCHome magazine and, later, the home and lifestyle editor at The Hollywood Reporter. While working as a staff editor, Abramian contributed to The Los Angeles Times for more than a decade, writing hundreds of articles about home design, architecture and real estate. She has also written for Architectural Digest, Elle Decor, Veranda, Sunset and was a columnist for House Beautiful. She is the writer of Nathan Turner’s American Style: Classic Design and Effortless Entertaining (Abrams, 2012) and the founder of Publicity Without a Publicist, an online community that provides interior designers with the tools, access and ongoing support needed to get featured in print, digital and broadcast media.