Boost Your Cash Flow, Confidence and Clientele With the Perfect Contract
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Instructor Melissa Galt, August 21, 2024; 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST. Online
August 21, 2024 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST

While your design style may be spectacular, your design business is only as good as the contract it’s built on. That’s why a rock-solid legal document is crucial for success. A well-executed letter of agreement sets the tone for the working relationship with your client and will position you as a professional with clear boundaries and objectives from the outset of a project. Considering the possibility of litigation in the industry today, having an insufficient contract—or not having one at all—is a surefire way to put your firm at risk. 

Helpfully, design business guru Melissa Galt is here with the necessary framework. In this course, she’ll translate legalese into plain English, empowering you to draw up agreements that cover your interests from start to finish. A former interior designer herself, Galt is dedicated to improving efficiency and increasing profitability. By outlining the essential elements of effective contracts, she’ll teach you how to foster client confidence, generate more income and safeguard your practice.

In this class, attendees will learn:
- Avoid lawsuits and protect your business with a robust contract
- Elevate your professional image and attract higher-caliber clients through structured agreements that demonstrate competence and reliability
- Draft contracts that inspire enthusiasm and trust, setting the stage for productive collaborations and long-term client relationships

After this class, attendees will have:
- An understanding of common legal pitfalls in design projects and how an ironclad agreement can mitigate such risks
- Tactics that maximize your earnings while preserving the value of your creative expertise
- Peace of mind knowing that a well-executed agreement will equitably protect both parties

Additional Information:
This workshop is conducted through Zoom webinar. All you need to join is reliable internet access and computer speakers with good volume.

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With more than 30 years of experience as a prominent residential interior designer, Melissa Galt, now a seasoned design business strategist, collaborates with interior design principals worldwide. Her work specializes in optimizing business operations for enhanced profitability and efficiency. Her renowned Design Business Freedom coaching program is built upon five strategic systems that guarantee superior client acquisition, more prominent project opportunities and increased profits—all achieved with reduced stress and time investment. Galt is also the author of the definitive industry resource Marketing Luxury Design: Attracting Affluent Clients. She hosts the popular design podcast The Affluent Creative, where she shares invaluable shortcuts, systematic approaches and insider secrets to achieving greater success. Galt’s expertise not only transforms design practices but also empowers professionals to thrive in the competitive landscape of luxury interiors.