| Jan 3, 2013 |
Million Dollar Decorators give their take on Season 2
Boh staff
By Staff

This season of Million Dollar Decorators has been packed with fearless interiors, exotic trips, grand designer show houses, and of course, heaps of drama. Editor at Large checked in with a few of the show’s stars: Mary McDonald, Jeffrey Alan Marks and Martyn Lawrence-Bullard, and got their take on season two.

EAL: What did you think of Season 2?

Mary McDonald: I love seeing our trials and tribulations back on TV this season. I feel like the viewers are seeing us differently this season and we all definitely have more of our personal lives exposed. I get stopped a lot more on the street with people telling me I am hilarious, so I love that my sense of humor really comes out this season.

EAL: Do you watch the show when it airs?

Martyn Lawrence Bullard: Yes of course! I absolutely love it and I think this season has a whole lot of drama. All the decorators have really gotten to take on interesting projects with really great clients.

EAL: What should viewers know that they don’t see?

Jeffrey Alan Marks: There should be a whole show of ‘behind the scenes’ of Million Dollar Decorators. Viewers miss all the good stuff!

EAL: What’s with all the drama?

MM: Viewers get to see that I really am a little more madcap zany than just some icy design diva. I, too, like the rest of the world, have shifts and personal changes in my life that rock my world that I try to make sense of. Everyone gets to see I have too many clothes that my new closets can't hold and that does not get solved for awhile, as well as Kathryn getting snippy avec moi! Rrrreeeeeeeeerrrrrr! I am a tad too busy for all that kitty cat stuff so it makes me laugh. Contrary to popular editing techniques I really am pretty funny and nice by most caddy design standards, so I hope that comes through and if not well, I guess the viewers have to keep watching!

EAL: How do you think viewers responded to the second season?

MLB: From all the tweets and Facebook posts people have sent me, they seem to really be enjoying it. The design fans are really die-hard and devoted and because we show really high-end decorating, the fans seem to be fascinated.

Million Dollar Decorators airs on Bravo, Tuesday nights at 10:00 p.m. through January 8.

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