Porky Hefer: No Bats, No Chocolate
May 1 - August 26
240 Church Street 10065
New York, New York

Galerie56 & Southern Guild present no bats, no chocolate, a solo interactive exhibition of handcrafted “animal architecture” seating environments by South African artist Porky Hefer on view from April 30–August 26, 2024. The exhibition is designed to awaken the imaginations of our youth, featuring nine playful yet poignant animal-inspired sculptures that are at once playful yet meaningful (children are invited to explore and climb over and under the sculptures, etc.). Hefer’s menagerie of animals include a walrus, a zebra, a wildebeest, bat, and more. Designed to create an emotional connection with the actual wild creatures and celebrate their ingenuity, the animals’ wondrous natures are highlighted as are references to humans’ direct effect on their nature, surroundings, and survival. Aside from the exhibition’s lighthearted feel, the exhibition is a plea for a greater tolerance and reverence for wild species—whose numbers are being eradicated and outpaced by the proliferation of domesticated animals. The idea is that the more interaction children have with wild animals—the more likely they will be to safeguard them. The works in no bats, no chocolate were made with contributions by longtime collaborators including felt artist Ronel Jordaan, welder Wellington Moyo and leatherwork studio Leather Walls.

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