| Jul 27, 2015 |
Interior, kitchen, landscape innovators hailed in latest CTC&G
Boh staff
By Staff

CTC&G's Innovation in Design Award–winning interior design, kitchen design and landscape design projects—take center stage in the magazine's summer issue, with photo profiles of Connecticut's top projects, as chosen by judges Matthew Patrick Smyth, Thomas Balsley, Anthony Baratta, Karen Stonely and Scott Sanders.

Winners include projects from Thornton Design, LLC, Calla McNamara for Able Construction Inc., and Arbonies King Vlock, PC in the interior design category; Artemis Landscape Architects, Inc. with Freddy's Landscape Co., Gregory Lombardi Design, and Devore Associates, LLC for landscape design, and J.E. Masone Architecture & Design, LLC, Mark P. Finaly Architects, AIA, and Clean Design for their kitchen projects.  

Thornton Design, LLC's grand prize-winning design; courtesy CTC&G

Winning design from Calla McNamara for Able Construction Inc.; courtesy CTC&G

Winning design from Abronie King Vlock, PC; courtesy CTC&G

The grand prize–winning interior design project, Thornton Design’s home, designed for empty nesters in Old Greenwich, accomplishes a laid-back beach aesthetic despite its landlocked locale. The other two awarded projects included a traditional home in Westport that embraces a modern, loft-like interior from Calla McNamara for Able Construction, Inc., and a Stoney Creek family home with Thimble Islands views and a live/work arrangement courtesy of its owner, architect-designer Sandra Vlock of Arbonies King Vlock, PC.

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